Psalm 118:2-4

Psalm 118:2-4

His love endures forever

As we know, our psalm-writer is about to embark on an explanation of all that has been learned and gained from a particularly brutal time of national, military conflict. Before starting however, he wishes to express his gratitude to the Lord and encourages all the fighting men, their families and all landowners in Israel to proclaim that the Lord’s love endures forever. No sooner have these words been penned than it is obvious that the Levite tribe, the non-military house of Aaron, should also be prepared to join in the celebrations. They too have every reason to be grateful that the love of the Lord endures forever. Then, and I don’t think this is an afterthought, the psalmist realises that every man, woman and child who has ever lived, who has faith in and who fears the Lord, has good reason to acknowledge and proclaim that the love of the Lord endures forever! That, of course, includes you and me.

It needs to be emphasised here that true “fear of the Lord” does not mean that we cower in terror before Him, even though there may be occasions when we deserve to! The “fear of the Lord” means that we don’t treat Him lightly, that we recognise who He really is, that we also have a true sense of our own status and humble dependence before Him. Those who “fear the Lord” are committed to His Word and to obey Him, with a genuine sense of awe. In our world and in our culture that is almost unheard of today. Many who call themselves Christians have concocted their own version of the faith and decided what they will believe and what they will discard. That is why so many churches are empty, for truth is not taught, and fellowship is not practiced, and individuals just embrace the parts of the faith that suit them. It is only those who seek the truth, who submit to the Bible, who bow before their Creator in awe and who love Him and His Word, it is these who discover that He in turn loves them passionately and with a love that endures forever. 



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