Psalm 116:8-9

Psalm 116:8-9

That I may walk before the Lord in the land of the living

Any traumatic health scare is dealt with today by the professionals; we summon the paramedics, get rushed off to hospital or to the GP and expect to receive the treatment to which we are entitled. Health care, in the time this Psalm was written, was much more primitive and there were few treatments and even less in the way of after-care. These things that we take for granted were not available to our victim and he can only therefore, think of one source of his healing and restoration, the Lord God Himself! Perhaps we should remember that the drugs we are given, the healing processes that we are offered, the knowledge and skills that are used in the modern Health Service are not all down to the genius of man. The drugs and medicines were provided when the earth was created and the ability and knowledge to repair the human body were also God-given. There is not man or woman alive who can actually heal us, the final breakthrough to restoration and good health is granted by the Lord alone and the ancient words of the psalm-writer are just as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. 

The Lord is also the author of mental health and well-being. The sorrow, anguish and emotional suffering that accompanies ill health are healed when God delivers and restores us. And this is not just for the victim but for friends and families too. “Stumbling feet” speak of uncertainty, weakness and vulnerability, calamitous ill health produces all of these and thus, once restored, we thank the Lord for all that He has done. If we have experienced any of this, and we are now renewed and back to full health, there is no greater expression of gratitude than to seek to “walk before the Lord in the land of the living!” Let Him take all the glory and gratitude for the great things that He has done. Hallelujah!



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