Psalm 116:5-6

Psalm 116:5-6

He saved me

One of the side effects of a traumatic or calamitous event in one’s life is that there is a deep sense of gratitude at having survived! Near death experiences are particularly relevant; to sense the end of life, to see the gates of death, to edge close to that fateful encounter and then be freed is a very special kind of liberation. Our psalm writer obviously understands this for he is overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord who delivered Him. For myself, I can say that having survived a similar experience, the world is a far more beautiful place than the one I inhabited before, colours are richer, birdsong is sweeter, relationships are more meaningful and there is so much to be savoured and enjoyed. After a close encounter with death, our attention is brought to focus on the One who gives life and who manages our time on this earth, our gratitude is extended to Him for His grace and righteousness and His compassion. To approach death and avoid it brings Him closer, and to pass through death brings Him closer still for those who will benefit from the splendour of His heavenly kingdom.

The psalm writer obviously did not foresee or anticipate the events that overwhelmed his life, he regards himself as “unwary.” However, his childlike dependence on and trust in the Lord led Him through the valley of the shadow of death and now he has emerged, blinking, into the rich sunshine of God’s salvation. It is God who delivers. It is God who saves us. It is God alone who can break the cords of death and free us from the tentacles of the grave. To Him be all the praise and the glory. He is amazing. Hallelujah! 


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