Psalm 116:16

Psalm 116:16

Thanks for godly mothers

In Psalm 86:16, a prayer of David, we commented on part of a verse that is replicated exactly here: - This is, as far as I know, the only reference that David ever makes to his mother, although the statement here is repeated word for word in Psalm 116:16. In Psalm 35:14 he writes, “I bowed down heavily as one that mourns for his mother” but it’s not clear if he is referring to a specific situation involving the loss of his own mum. We have no clues anywhere else as to the character of David’s mother and it is not easy to determine who she was. The language here, however, would seem to imply that she was a godly woman, in some versions this verse is translated as “your handmaid,” a lady then who belonged to the Lord and who served Him faithfully. David now prays that, as he had been devoted to God by her, and had been trained up by her, God would remember all this, and would interfere on his behalf.”

It would not be hard to imagine Samuel writing in these terms about his mother, Hannah. In fact, there are many Old Testament characters who had godly mothers who raised them by faith and who taught their sons to learn and practice the Scriptures. To be able to claim a faith and a devotion that was learned from a godly mother is a very special thing, those of us who can do this are incredibly privileged. 

There is another way of viewing these words, truly godly women would offer their sons to the Lord, as indeed did Hannah. There was usually no place in the Tabernacle / Temple rituals for any young men other than Levites, but sons could be “devoted” to the service of God and roles were found for them. Some became Nazarites; Nazarites were men who were separated unto the Lord for a special assignment. The doctrine of the Nazarites involves taking the three vows; no razor on the head, do not touch any dead bodies and do not drink any alcohol. There are few examples in the Bible of people recognized as Nazarites; Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist.

This psalmist goes further and seems to imply that because of his mother’s devotion he had been freed from his chains! Maybe this man had been a slave, or a browbeaten young servant and the actions of his mother had allowed him to become a servant of the Lord? This is all speculation but let’s take time out to thank God for our “mums” if they have been instrumental in our spiritual as well as our physical development. 


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