Psalm 116:10-11

Psalm 116:10-11

I trusted in the Lord

It sorrows me that many of our friends and members of our families, our neighbours, work colleagues and other associates, have absolutely no one to turn to when calamity strikes. Yes, there is the NHS and yes, there are innumerable experts and online advisers but, at the end of the day, most people do not have a higher authority, a supreme Being in whom they can place their trust. For those of us who know the Lord, when troubles are about to overwhelm us, there is someone who we can confidently turn to and who is more than capable of guiding us through the afflictions that life brings. It is so reassuring and so comforting to know that a far greater mind is attuned to our needs and if there is any way through, He knows it and He will carry us to safety. He even opens doors and makes things happen for our good when there seems to be no way forwards! 

Psalm 109 is a Psalm of David, written when he was going through great suffering and tribulation, this caused by the false accusation of his enemies. In that Psalm David blames some of his misfortune on their lies and curses. I wonder if that is what is in mind here or, was it that many had offered the psalm-writer false hopes of deliverance, they had come with their reassuring platitudes and promised that his health would improve when, in truth, the opposite had happened. It was only when he had cried out to the Lord that the suffering had begun to ease, and light had appeared at the ned of the tunnel. 

We will all face times of distress and suffering in our lives, there will be moments when our little boats are tossed by the storms, and we will cling desperately to any aid that is offered. Those are the times when, like the disciples, we discover that the Lord is in the boat with us and He alone can still the wind and the waves and bring us safely to shore. Hallelujah! 


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