Psalm 115:16

Psalm 115:16

What a mighty God!

Wow! We need to take time to allow the significance of these words to sink in! Firstly, let’s be aware that the vastness of space is not a breeding ground for UFO’s and their interstellar inhabitants, nor is it the habitation of little green men with pointed ears. The heavens are so vast, so beyond human calculation; why even the Milky Way, our own galaxy, has 100 billion stars in it, give or take one or two! And there are billions of galaxies! And this is so we might have some appreciation of the immensity and complexity of this Being who we call God. When the Scriptures speak of the heavens, we have to ask if they are referring to the physical, tangible universe or the spiritual realms that exists beyond, or maybe to both? In this instance the psalmist was probably gazing at the skies above him, but let’s be honest, it doesn’t matter which realm you choose, our God is over all and above all and as the supreme spiritual Being, He rules over all. Man has no place in the heavenly realm, we may pierce the very tiniest perimeters of space in our minuscule little spaceships but frankly, we know nothing, and as physical human beings will never have the means to penetrate the mysteries of the heavens.

Conversely, the earth is our place, and it is worth remembering that it has been appointed to us to occupy and to manage. We do not need to be told that the job is not going too well; greed, selfishness, pride and rebellion are wrecking this beautiful world that God has made for us and there is no question that He will have to intervene before too long. This earth has everything we need, it is place that is given to us to enjoy and to commune with our Maker, instead we have ignored Him, transferred our allegiances to a multitude of pretenders and without knowing it, bowed to the devious schemes of the Lord God’s greatest enemy. Thankfully, that battle will soon be over, and we will be able to once again occupy this planet at peace and in communion with the generous donor who gave it to us. Hallelujah! 


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