Psalm 115:15

Psalm 115:15

May the Lord bless you

As we saw, when meditating upon verses earlier in the Psalm, the fundamental foundation of faith is the simple belief that the Lord God is our Creator and Maker. Not only that, but He is Creator and Maker of the whole universe, the heavens and the earth were all made by Him. Anyone struggling with that truth is going to have a tough time trying to absorb and align themselves with everything else we know about God. There are many Christians today who are willing to embrace the concept of a spiritual being who is light and love, but to acknowledge that He is the towering genius who made all things is too much for them to handle. The effect is a limp and weak faith that constantly questions and tries to rationalise, whereas the Lord asks us to bow down before Him and to humble ourselves, trust in His Word and learn dependence on the One who made all things. What a joy this position gives us, the questions are answered, the alternatives are not worth considering, the enormity of our God fills us with wonder and excitement, and He is worthy of our obeisance, our respect and adulation. 

The verse before us today is addressed to all who accept this reality and who bow before the Lord their God and Maker. For them there is a prayer, “May you be blessed by the Lord.” To understand this word “bless” we need to go back to the original Hebrew word which is “barakh.” The English word for bless is a bit abstract and bland, in Hebrew it means that someone kneels down to help us and make themselves available to us. Can you imagine the Lord doing that for us? But that is what it means, that God blesses us by providing for us, even serving us so that we in return will submit to Him and worship Him.

So, today “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you His peace.” Numbers 6:24-26.


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