Psalm 115:14

Psalm 115:14

May the Lord cause you to flourish

The idea that faith in the Lord God promotes increased wealth and status is one that the “so-called” prosperity preachers like to endorse. It is true that for some people, the transformation of their lives from addictive habits, rough sleeping, living on benefits to law-abiding, hard-working contributors to society, is very dramatic. The culture of South Korea was radically changed some decades ago when Christianity swept through the country and churches were suddenly filled with converts who not only had a change of heart but also a change of lifestyle. However, following Jesus Christ is not necessarily to adopt a life of middle-class contentment! He was scornful of the rich, spent most of His time with the poor and promised His disciples that, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

So, what does it mean that the Lord will cause His people to flourish? For Israel there was definitely the anticipation of growth in their numbers. They prayed to the Lord to strengthen them as a nation and to aid them in their defence of their borders. As a family of nomadic people, they also recognised that the Lord had given them their land and that they would prosper financially if they obeyed His laws and did not chase after other gods. It was all about being established, secure and self-sufficient for a people surrounded, as they were, by many enemies. The blessings of their faith would be passed on to their children for successive generations.

As believers, we may not prosper in terms of wealth, but there is no reason why faith should not lead to security and corporate strength when faced by the attacks of the enemy. That is the whole point of fellowship and being part of the family of God, we face our obstacles together offering mutual support and encouragement. It is not possible to “flourish” on your own for very long.


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