Psalm 115:6-7

Psalm 115:6-7

Pointless idols

The description of the false gods continues with a catalogue of the pointless features that characterise the idols that represent them. Let’s be clear here, no object made of wood, stone, metal, plastic or any other material can possibly respond to human worship or obeisance. These man-made icons are incapable of any kind of reaction for they have no life in them. Neither is there any point in idolising animals, birds, sea creatures or any living thing, because they are lesser beings than we are. To venerate a lesser being is completely futile! How ridiculous it is for men to bow down to or revere a created object whilst the Creator longs for the praise and respect that He is due! 

What is much more devious about all of this, is that the devil recognises the foolishness of men and connives to give these idolatrous objects an aura and even a sense of spirituality that will keep them in focus, rather than their Maker! That some idols appear to have spiritual powers is completely down to his devious trickery and his endless quest to hinder all attempts to recognise the Lord as the only One who is worthy of human worship. Thus, from the beginning of time and in every nation, the Lord is ignored, but men make idols of earthly materials in an attempt to fill the void that His absence provokes. And if an object of silver and gold, made by human hands, is viewed with scepticism, then the enemy will prompt people to worship self. This pursuit of self-gratification characterizes many in the affluent world of today and it is equally pointless and in direct rebellion against our God. 


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