Psalm 114:5-6

Psalm 114:5-6

Why, oh why, oh why

Four questions here that, at first sight, are somewhat puzzling: 

1.     Why was it, sea, that you fled?

2.     Why, Jordan, did you turn back?

3.     Why, mountains, did you leap like rams?

4.     Why, … you hills like lambs?

What is the explanation for this behaviour? Why was it that these geological or topographical features, that were normally dependable and intransigent, started to behave in irrational and unpredictable ways? What happened to them? What was it that made them perform in this manner? One translation suggests that the question being asked was, “What ailed you, O you sea, that you fled? …..”

Thus far, in this Psalm, we have not read of the One who was behind these events although, of course, we know it was the Lord. Verse 7 will give us the answers but for now let us imagine ourselves as ignorant observers witnessing these happenings, for that is the position of the godless, unbelieving nations watching on. There must have been many eyewitnesses who asked the same questions that are being asked here, and they had no explanations.

Nothing has changed. God is still working in our world , He performs miracles, He dramatically intervenes and changes situations, He answers the heart-felt prayers of His people in amazing ways. And the best that the unbelieving can do is to stand on the sidelines and ask “Why?” Take that one step further and all of modern science is devoted to asking this question, “Why?” And those of us who may be unlearned or lacking the desire to question it all may simply reply, “It’s not why, but who!” Hallelujah! 


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