Psalm 114:2

Psalm 114:2

Where is their God?

As we know, the land of Canaan was occupied by 12 tribes of Israelites once they had settled and conquered their enemies. Sadly, after the reign of Solomon, the land was divided; geographically, politically, spiritually and culturally. Two kings reigned, the northern kingdom, which consisted of 10 tribes, was called Israel (also Ephraim), and the southern kingdom which embraced Judah and Benjamin was named ….. you guessed it, Judah! Here in the Psalm, the two kingdoms are viewed as the one people of God. Sadly, the nation as a whole was meant to be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation (Exodus 19:3-6), not a divided, embittered land torn apart by civil war! 

The Temple, built by Solomon, was to be the sanctuary of God, where He dwelt amongst His people and this was, of course, situated in Jerusalem in Judah. Thus, the occupants of the north, when they occasionally halted their worship of idols and other gods, had to create their own place of worship. In 1 Kings 12, we read that King Jeroboam established a royal sanctuary for the northern kingdom in the city of Dan (or Tel Dan). However, the religious practices in this place owed more to the cults and Canaanite religions than it did to the worship of the true God of Israel. Thus, Jerusalem in Judah, was His sanctuary. Israel was for a while, God’s dominion, but things reached a climax, the rebellion and disobedience of these northern tribes brought His wrath upon them, and they were wiped out by the Assyrians. 

No wonder the nations asked, “Where is their God?” Instead of being a shining example of His love and faithfulness, Israel was a rebellious land that made other peoples question the very existence of Yahweh. Might they do the same with us?


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