Psalm 113:5-6

Psalm 113:5-6

“Who is like the Lord our God?” 

That’s a question that takes some people a lifetime to resolve, for others it can be answered in a second for many of us believe that there is none like Him. Interestingly the prophet Micah’s name means “Who is like the Lord?” I wonder if Micah needed to deliberate for very long before answering the question? 

How can there be anyone like our God, if He is the supreme Being in the universe and if He rules and reigns over all other physical and spiritual creations? He is the Lord our God, the word “our” here is very important, it signifies relationship and ownership. In Exodus 19:5-6 the Lord gives voice to this principal of ownership when addressing Israel, “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” We can make the mistake of thinking that our relationship with Him is all about our choices and our intellectual and spiritual acknowledgement of Him. The very opposite is true, He has covenanted to be our God, it was He who did the choosing, it was He who planned and initiated the relationship, we acknowledge Him only because He first acknowledged us! Or as the Apostle John puts it, “We love Him, because He first loved us.” KJV 1 John 4:19. 

So great is this God that He must bend Himself or humble Himself just to view the heavens and the earth. So supreme is He, so glorious, so majestic and mighty that in His connections with the affairs of men and the beings who inhabit the heavens, He must lower Himself to interact with us all.  Let this thought humble us in our reactions and responses to Him. What a GOD, there is none like HIM!!


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