Psalm 113:1-3

Psalm 113:1-3

Praise the Lord!

This is the beginning of what is called the “Egyptian Hallel.” The Hallel encompasses Psalms 113-118, and it became part of the Jewish liturgy at all major festivals including Passover. At this symbolic event, Psalms 113 and 114 were sung before the Passover meal and before the second cup, the Cup of Praise, was drunk. Psalms 115 to 118 were sung after the meal, when the fourth cup, the Cup of Thanksgiving, had been filled. 

This Psalm is a hymn to the Lord, and it celebrates His name and His authority. In addition, it reminds us that the Lord is not impressed by the status that the world places on people, He shows mercy and favour to the poor and seats them with princes. In everything He is to be praised.


V1-3    Notice that this Psalm begins with a number of injunctions to praise the Lord!

V1        Praise the Lord

V1        Praise the Lord, you His servants

V1        Praise the name of the Lord

V2        Let the name of the Lord be praised

V3        The name of the Lord is to be praised


Who is it that should praise Him and when should He be praised??

V1        You His servants

V2        Both now and forevermore

V3        From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets


Those who know and love the Lord are being commanded here to keep on praising Him because He is Lord (YAHWEH), and to keep on praising His wonderful name. This praise must continue until it fills all time and all space. There must be no let-up, there is no place where His praise cannot and should not be heard. There is no time of day when servants who are awake should not praise Him. The name of the Lord is stamped on every activity upon the earth from our waking moments until we lay down to rest. He is entitled to our praise during every second that we are awake and for every day that we are alive. Let’s make this a day of praise that is part of a lifetime of praise! Praise the Lord! 



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