Psalm 112:7

Psalm 112:7

No fear of bad news

We have here a continuation of the previous verse, it gives yet more reasons why the righteous will never be shaken. One of these is that they will have no fear of bad news. This all links back to the opening verse of the Psalm that counts those who fear the Lord as being truly blessed. It means they have discovered happiness, contentment and being at peace, but not as temporary, once-in-a-while kinds of experiences. This is a permanent state of mind, a mental and spiritual contentment that comes from knowing that someone much bigger than us is in control, that all our needs will be met and that we need fear no one or nothing. Such contentment is bound up in being free from past sin and guilt, being dearly loved in the present and having extraordinary hope for the future. It is like being wrapped in a cozy blanket of love where nothing can permanently harm us and where our every need is supplied. Thus, when bad news comes, and it will, there are no grounds for fear. I can only say that having had a heart attack and serious heart failure less than 9 months ago, I have found it extraordinary that there has been no cause to fear. The bad news was as bad as it can get, and yet a gentle sense of calm came upon me, and I found it was possible to leave all the anxiety with my Lord. I’m not sure that it was quite so easy for my wife and children and other family and friends! 

The next part of this verse is most pertinent – those who fear the Lord have steadfast hearts. We can all do with those, especially me! If our trust is in the Lord God and we are learning to be completely dependent on Him, then there is no need for fear or anxiety, He is in control, our lives are in His hands, and therefore He becomes a steadfast rock in our lives. Unwavering, resolute, dedicated, dependable, faithful, reliable and constantly devoted – that is our Heavenly Father, and that can be our hearts too!  Hallelujah!


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