Psalm 112:6

Psalm 112:6

We will not be shaken

The earlier verses of this Psalm informed us that those who fear the Lord and who are upright will be blessed, “Their righteousness endures forever.” V3. The verse before us today makes these promises personal, it’s not only their works that will be forever remembered, the righteous themselves will never be forgotten! Such men and women will never lose their sense of well-being, they will never feel insecure, because they are righteous. They will know the comforting care, love and protection of the Lord God, they will have no cause to be fearful or anxious. We hear a lot about “well-being” nowadays, in fact it has now become one word and even the NHS offers a 5-point plan on how to develop this: - 

1. Connect with other people

2. Be physically active

3. Learn new skills

4. Give to others

5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

Apparently, these 5 steps will help us all to improve our mental health and we will feel more positive and able to get the most out of life. Sadly, I see no mention of living righteously before the Lord our God! Perhaps even more sadly, there are so many “Believers” who buy into these ideas and who struggle constantly with their own guilt, fear, anxiety and the stress of modern life. Perhaps we are being called to live simpler lives, to rely less on technology, to have more time for our God. Perhaps churches need to raise teachers and pastors who understand the Scriptures and who are able to offer God’s hope and security to those who are struggling. As a recent “Bethel” song puts it, “For we trust in our God and through His unfailing love, we will not be shaken.” 


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