Psalm 112:3

Psalm 112:3

Worldy wealth v heavenly wealth

This verse could easily be used by the “prosperity preachers” as a mantra for their doctrines. “Obey the Lord, have faith in Him and you will grow rich and wealthy.” To some extent that was true for the Israelites, on more than one occasion in the Torah, the Lord God promises wealth and prosperity as a reward for obedience. Even the weather would correspond with their attitude to God’s laws, if they were obedient their crops would flourish and provide them with plenty; disobedience brought disease, plagues and subjugation to their enemies. See Leviticus 26. The Jewish religion was earth-bound and dependant on sacrifices, good works and obedience, the consequences, or lack of them, of doing the right thing were far-reaching. Thus, righteousness was the road to abundance and to the Lord’s provision.

Does this still apply to us? The first thing we can say is that Yeshua had no time for this world and its pleasures, He had no need of earthly wealth or treasure, His message was to “lay up treasure in heaven.” His immediate disciples suffered hardship and persecution, many of them lost not just their wealth but also their lives. There is no evidence that any of them sat idly at home watching their investments grow and their prosperity increase. They believed the Lord who pointed to a different investment, to a different kingdom that had little to do with this world. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.

There are many houses that I have visited over the years that have been full of earthly treasures. Most of these are dusty and presented on shelves or in cabinets, most are untouchable! I have also visited lowlier establishments where there are no earthly treasures but where Jesus is Lord. An open Bible lays on a table, worship music plays in the background, the bookshelves speak of studious occupants who love the Word of God. Hospitality is offered and warmth and joy fill the room, and there is only one topic of conversation! I grew up in a home like that and the righteousness of my parents endures forever. Hallelujah! 


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