Psalm 112:2

Psalm 112:2

How to attain blessing for our children

Let’s reiterate the message from yesterday’s verse, that those who fear the Lord, who honour and respect Him, are truly blessed or content. Those who love God’s laws and commands, who find stability and strength in living out God’s will and obeying His moral guidance, these people too are truly blessed. Inner happiness and contentment are the longings of every human heart, the trouble is that the devil offers us the world, with the suggestion that this will produce that state of contentment that we are seeking. God says something very different, “Seek me. Seek my glory. Humble yourselves before me and obey my laws and you will be happy.” It all sounds too abstract and futile for most, what’s the point in aligning yourself with someone or something you can’t see, who makes promises that may not be kept, when the world offers everything you could possibly desire and it’s an instant fix or, at least, can be gained with a just a little bit of effort? That is one of the devil’s greatest lies and an awful lot of people buy into it.

If we do heed God’s voice and follow His ways, the effect is wide-ranging, not least in that it spills over onto our children. Bring them up in the ways of the Lord, teach them His commands, live them out in your family and your offspring will become mighty people in the land. You and I will be remembered through them, our righteous deeds will be celebrated, people will notice that “God was with them.” And so, the blessing continues to be passed down, for all of those who seek the Lord’s will in this way will be blessed, they will be guided, guarded and provided for and thus will attain contentment and happiness. Something their contemporaries, who wear themselves out seeking happiness in the world, can never achieve. 



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