Psalm 111:8

Psalm 111:8

Established forever

We live in a tangled world ruled by deceit and lies. The darkness is all around us and presses in, whispering ambiguities and uncertainty. At this time in human history, the devil is having a field day, for the whole world is now enjoined in his destructive schemes. Jesus looked the Jews in the eye and said to them, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is NO truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!” John 8:44. Later Jesus described the devil as “a thief who comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” John 10:10. Our media, in its many forms is full of the enemy’s lies, we are swamped by his insinuations, be it the adverts we watch, the politics we follow, the literature we read, the news stories we are fed, the lifestyles we follow …. the list goes on! 

Against this backdrop of shameless intrigue and manipulation stands the light of truth. Truth is revealed in the works of God’s hands and the precepts He has spoken. You see, the Satan can manipulate ideas and the media and malleable minds, but he cannot re-write creation. Nor can he re-write the Bible! The works of God’s hands and His precepts (v7) are established for ever and ever. These wonderful messengers are wholly true and in them we see God’s faithfulness and His uprightness on vivid display, day after day. As believers in Christ Jesus we might add to this the inner voice of the Holy Spirit. So, you want truth and faithfulness? Look at creation, study God’s Word and attune your heart to the leading of the Holy Spirit. These are the shining lanterns that guide us through the darkness and stop us from being ensnared in the devil’s schemes. 


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