Psalm 111:5

Psalm 111:5

He provides food

“Give us this day our daily bread” we pray. Matthew 6:11. For many of us, me included, these can be just empty words. We don’t have to pray for our daily bread, it’s waiting for us on the kitchen top, at the Bakers, or in the Supermarket! The daily necessities of life, in rich countries around the world, are in ready supply. Indeed, it’s a job to dine out nowadays because the restaurants and cafes are full up, you need to book in advance. 

Life is very different in many Third World countries, this is part of a message I received just 2 days ago from a brother in Kenya;-

Houses are submerged, destroyed and or vacated and Lives lost is the order of Life out here. We visited three places where Floods and Landslides affected and saw for ourselves the overwhelming needs. We visited Chisoyuon, Kapkaten and Kapsambu around Mt. Elgon, Bungoma County and gave the little we had; Mattresses, Blankets, Household utensils, Sugar. The roads are impassable, People are desperate, some camping at School, same schools not reopened for learning, lack of Beddings, spending nights in the Cold. Pray for God’s People!!”

The Lord does indeed provide food for those who fear Him, but the problem today is that the food is not shared or valued by those who have plenty. It has been argued many times, by people who are far better qualified than me, that there is enough food in the world to go round, the problem is that the rich inhabitants over-indulge themselves and throw away what they cannot eat!

These are the covenant promises made to Noah after the flood had receded, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22. The Lord will never forget these words nor will He renege on them, but the world will continue to ignore Him. 


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