Psalm 111:10

Psalm 111:10

The fear of the Lord

Job it was who first penned these words, “The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.” Job 28:28. Solomon picks up the theme in Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” As we have seen previously, “fear” here does not mean to be frightened, it means to be in awe of. When we understand that our God is the Judge, the LORD over all creation, the LORD over all armies, the jealous One to be exalted over all else—that is just the beginning of wisdom. Simply put: Fear of the LORD is having reverence for who God is—and He is Holy. So, we can have our GCSEs, A levels, career qualifications and university degrees; we can be well read, intelligent, educated and the one who everyone wants in their pub quiz team, but if we do not have godly fear, we have little or no wisdom! Paul writes that people who claim to be wise but who do not glorify God or give thanks to Him have become fools. Romans 1:21-23. In 1 Corinthians 2 he explains that wise and persuasive words, eloquence and human wisdom can never compare with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power. It is what the Holy Spirit reveals in “words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words” that far exceeds human wisdom. 

It is not enough to just learn the words of God or to be aware of His commands, we have to follow them, that is the way to good understanding. So, all of God’s commands, statutes and laws are only of value if they are accompanied by faith that leads to action and obedience. If there is no intention to follow His precepts, then they are but empty words to us. 

And so, our Psalm ends on a note of praise. This collection of words and phrases that extol the Lord God has been like a warm, comfort blanket. There are no surprises, shocks or statements about judgement and retribution, but in a few verses the Psalm embraces many elements of God’s character and His provision for His people. It is right and proper to end with this note of praise, He is and will be eternally praised, to Him and Him alone, belong the praises of all peoples but especially His chosen people. That includes you and me! Hallelujah!




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