Psalm 110:7

Psalm 110:7

He will drink from a brook along the way

This is the last verse of a Psalm that has occupied us so briefly. Just 7 verses, but each one a potent, prophetic pointer to David’s superior, heavenly successor. It also enlightens for us, the character of our coming Messiah and the nature of His reign. This last verse has puzzled many and it has a kind of poetic quality but seems to suggest that Messiah will one day need to stop and have a drink before He can continue His journey of conquest!

Much of what has been written here in Psalm 110 embraces the future reign of Yeshua and, as Peter noted as he preached on the day of Pentecost, “God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.” Peter then quotes from Psalm 110 and assures his audience that this Psalm does not refer to David but to Messiah. See Acts 2:32-36.

It seems to be clear from the Scriptures that when Yeshua ascended into heaven, He was greeted and exalted by God His Father and He was appointed to sit at God’s right hand. Note carefully what Peter says in his sermon, “He has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit was given to Yeshua to drink, He is the River of Life, He is the living water that fills, refreshes and nourishes the thirsty soul. Yeshua “drank from a brook along the way” and He was anointed and filled by the Holy Spirit of God Almighty. Having drunk for Himself, He then poured out that same Spirit upon His infant church. The effect was both dramatic and powerful but immediately, Yeshua was exalted on earth, His head was lifted high. In other words, He was raised up amongst His people and the incredulous Jews in Jerusalem were the first to witness the effects of this. 

To this day, wherever His Spirit fills His people, and they drink from the heavenly River of Life, the name and authority of Yeshua is lifted high. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


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