Psalm 109:31

Psalm 109:31

God stands at the right hand of the needy

In Psalm 108:6 we commented on the significance of the right hand. “Throughout Scripture the right hand is used as a picture of strength and ability." Time and again we find references in the Old Testament to the right hand of God. This is meant to be a picture of the pinnacle of strength and ability. In passages that specify God’s right hand, strength is a key focus. In the New Testament, we find additional expressions of this phrase in reference to Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:20-21 notes, "…that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come." 

Notice that today’s verse, the last verse of Psalm 109, changes the scenario, here we have God standing at the right hand of the needy! In other words, we have strength and ability, not of ourselves, but because the Lord God stands there beside us, He has become our strength and our provider; who would dare to stand against us if God is for us? And what is His purpose? “To save the lives of the needy from those who would condemn them.” David recognised at this point that he was never going to be able to withstand the condemnation of his enemies on his own. The tirade of abuse and injustice that was being poured over him just made him feel more and more angry but also helpless. Now, the negative effects of this outpouring of condemnation has ended, because he realises that the Lord Himself is standing at his right hand!

I say this to myself at least as much as to anyone who might read this. Let’s just stop for a moment and consider who it is that stands with us in our trials. Let’s just learn to be dependant for the Lord Himself is or guardian and our protector and “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. Hallelujah!



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