Psalm 109:27

Psalm 109:27

Let them know, you, Lord, have done it!

Many of us have witnessed the powerful hand of God at work in our own lives and the lives of others. For most of us, these have been pivotal moments in our experience, we have seen the miraculous intervention of the Lord first hand, we have seen situations change dramatically, we have witnessed the power of fervent pray and also the on-going, dedicated devotion that finally brings a response from heaven. I could write a book about such events, could you? God has been so good, God is so good, He intervenes when we most need Him, He puts an arm around our shoulder and lets us know that He is there and that we are not alone or unaided in our journey.

So, let’s celebrate these moments and never stop referring to them. Firstly, because we need to keep remembering them for our own encouragement and growth. Secondly, because our friends, family and church brothers and sisters need to be constantly reminded too. Faith is a body builder, the more you spread it around the more it grows in intensity and the more it produces courage and boldness in those who believe. 

But there is a third reason why we should speak often of the Lord’s hand upon our lives, and it is mentioned here in this verse. We want our enemies and those who do not believe, to know that we have witnessed the Lord’s hand at work and that HE DID IT! We want them to witness miraculous events and interventions and to hear and see that the Lord God was involved. We want them to have no other explanation except that there was a miraculous and powerful intervention in their lives that does not make any rational sense, other than God. We want them to see that such things cannot be possible except by faith in the Lord God Almighty. “Let them know Lord. Let them know that it was Your hand that did it. Let them not sleep easy in their beds or ever think that they can win against us, for God is with us and who can stand against us?”


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