Psalm 109:26

Psalm 109:26

Help me, Lord my God

I wonder how many people have cried these words from their hearts? “Help me,” Lord my God; save me according to Your unfailing love.” I would venture to suggest that every true believer in the Lord has pleaded for heaven’s help at least once, most of us have cried to our God on countless occasions. And so we should! For this is not only a cry of desperation but also an admission of dependence. When all is said and done, when every possibility has been tried, when our minds and bodies are weakened and we do not know where to turn to next, these are the words that our lips should frame. This is not the polite liturgy that we hear in many churches, nor is it the diplomatic vocabulary of the average Prayer Meeting; this is a cry from the heart and a recognition of failure and hopelessness. It is the kind of cry that goes like a 999 call to heaven’s switchboard and prompts an emergency response. So, don’t be afraid to admit defeat and don’t be afraid to call for help because your God and mine is available 24/7 and He will come to our aid.

Notice that there is one aspect of God’s character that David appeals to, His unfailing love. If God truly loves us, will He leave us unprotected and without help? What father will do that if his child cries out to him? If God says that He loves us, surely He will be quick to respond to our cries and to deliver us from whatever situation has brought us to our knees? God is love, He loves you and me, when we are desperate He cannot refuse us and He will send the help we need. Like so many before me, I can say that He has never let me down, He always answers the emergency call and then when help comes, we have to be willing to take it! 


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