Psalm 109:13-15

Psalm 109:13-15

Blot them out!

These verses are looking forward, but not in a positive way! David is asking the Lord to do a number of things to the future descendants of his accuser: -

·      Cut them off from the inheritance in the land

·      Blot out their names in the lists of genealogies that the Israelites held so dear

·      Let the iniquities of his ancestors on his father’s side be remembered

·      May the sins of his mother always be remembered

·      Better still, let the accuser be the last in his family line so that they are forgotten forever


I suppose, in the light of the above, that it is no surprise that we do not know the name of David’s antagonist who was the object of these curses! His name has been blotted out! 

It is worth noting that the sins of the generations of the Israelites were never forgotten, they remained unpunished for generations. That is why Christ came as a once-for-all offering for sin. (See Romans 3:25.) The blood of bulls and goats and lambs was not enough to take away the sins of men. (Hebrews 10:4.) The constant sacrifices that were made could not atone for sin and so the iniquities of this man and his family would be remembered by the Lord for no one could atone for them. David’s request was honoured! 

How amazing it is to know that the offering by God, of the Lamb of God, was an offering for sin that would cover the iniquities of past generations in Israel and also the future sins of those who become members of God’s new body of chosen people – His church. That one-off sacrifice was for the whole range of humanity throughout all generations, and it still applies today. Hallelujah! 



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