Psalm 108:5

Psalm 108:5

Be exalted, O God

This is the last part of the repetition from Psalm 57, mentioned earlier, and whilst these words speak for themselves, they are so glorious that we must spend a few moments contemplating their meaning. “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth.” 

This is both a statement of fact and also a heart cry. There is no question that the Lord our God will be exalted over the heavens and the whole earth and in many ways, He already is! There are countless human beings who praise and honour His Name and, as we have seen, all of creation praises Him. However, I think David longs for the day when every created being exalts, worships and bows down to YAHWEH, to the God who is above all gods. That certainly does not happen at this moment, in fact Jesus Himself announced that the Satan is the “prince of this world”. John 14:30. The Satan is also called the “ruler of the kingdom of the air”,(Ephesians 2:2). In 2 Corinthians 4:4 Paul calls Him the “god of this age”. When we are encouraged to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, it is because there are other kingdoms and wills at play on the earth at this time!

It follows then, that God is exalted indeed, but only in the hearts and minds of those who are His faithful ones, those who believe in Him and obey Him. We may sing our songs of joy and exalt His Name, but we are very much a minority. That is why, like David, we pray for His exaltation in heaven, and His glory to be revealed across the whole of the earth that, at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. It will happen David. It is very soon now, man is reaching his breaking point, and the reign of the Lord Almighty will be experienced by every living creature, including you and I! Hallelujah!


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