Psalm 108:2-3

Psalm 108:2-3

I will awaken the dawn

Well, the first question that we need to resolve is what were these instruments that the talented musician, David, was talking about? The lyre and the psaltery are thought to be very similar. The lyre is an instrument that's played using the fingers rather than using a plectrum or a quill. Webster's Dictionary defines psaltery as “An instrument of music used by the Hebrews, the form of which is not now known.”  It is generally agreed that the harp and lyre where both stringed instruments and both of them were also played with a bow. Some experts believe that the harp had a straight neck whilst the lyre’s neck was curved. I think we can assume that both instruments were capable of fine music and that David had mastered them equally. 

Thus, our talented player arises before first light and grabs his favourite tools for worship. As the dawn rises over the horizon, David is playing his melodies and revelling in the start of a new day. And who was he playing to? “I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of You among the peoples.” He was not just playing, He was singing as well, no doubt some of the songs that are included in the Psalms. And David was not just singing to Himself, He was singing to the Lord and for the nations. As he greeted the new day and maybe looked out to the horizon, his songs of praise were on behalf of the whole world! And he wanted the whole world to hear them. Well David, you got your wish, the whole world has heard them and still hears them today. Hallelujah! 


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