Psalm 108:12

Psalm 108:12

“Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless.”

I am writing this on 16th April 2024. Two days ago, on a Saturday night, Iran fired at least 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles and around 110 ballistic missiles against Israel. All the reports say that 99% of these were intercepted and destroyed before they ever reached their destinations. The Iranians have vowed to push the Jews into the Sea and to cleanse the land so that it might be the property of the Palestinians. For some years now, they have used proxy forces such as the Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza to further their purposes. At this moment, the Sunni Islam states such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan are standing beside Israel, while Iraq and Syria are supporting the Shiite Iranians. Russia and China are hovering in the background on one side and the US and its NATO and G7 allies are offering support from the other. The advice and speculation that flies back and forth is endless and each side of the argument is founded on self-interest and economic expediency. Frankly, listening to the politicians and so-called experts is sickening. Their advice is worthless.

Now, I’m fully aware that everything will change as this scenario progresses, in fact, this blog will be well out of date 24 hours from now! The point however can still be made. Look again at what David cries here in Psalm 108:12. This is a plea to the Lord God, the God who never changes and who watches all of the battles on earth, the God who knows the end from the beginning, the God who understands the spiritual forces at work here and the place of Jew and Gentile, believer and unbeliever in the unravelling history of our world. David’s plea is not that Israel should seek human allies or rely on expert advice, for it is all worthless. The only aid that counts in any conflict, be it between human forces or spiritual armies, is that which comes from the Lord Himself. 

My prayer today is that the Jews will cry out to God and He will save them. The fact that all those missiles were intercepted on Saturday night and that very little damage was inflicted on Israel is already a sign that God has miraculously intervened to save His people. It was a supernatural deliverance and unprecedented in human history. And this same God will save us too! Hallelujah!


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