Psalm 107:43

Psalm 107:43

Take heed!

So we come to the end of the Psalm, it has been a difficult journey at times, with many ups and downs! The history of God’s dealings with Israel reads like a record of our own lives, full of peaks and troughs; the walk with God is never plain sailing for we humans are weak and unreliable creatures. That is why we are being asked to stop and think about all that we have learned, the wisest amongst us will spend some time deliberating on what the Psalm has taught us. The successes and failures of Israel can be measured in their treatment of the land and their relationships with the surrounding nations, that is the account that historians give us and that many read into the Bible itself. But, he or she who is wise will see that another agenda has been unfolding here; the history of the Israelites is completely bound up in their relationship with the Lord God, it is their devotion and obedience to Him that has brought blessing and prosperity, and it is their rebellion and disobedience that has brought oppression, calamity and sorrow. (v39) 

Let the wise amongst us, heed these things. The events that happen around us, the successes or failures of our meandering journeys are all related to our relationship with the Lord our God. He does not promise an easy life, but He does promise that obedience brings blessing and disobedience is the source of cursing upon us. If, as the Psalm says, we just stop for a moment and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord we will see that a pattern emerges, that life can be a journey of blessing, even though there may be many hardships. If we walk closely with the Lord then He will carry us through and will guard, guide and provide for us whatever twists and turns the journey may take. 


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