Psalm 107:7

Psalm 107:7

He led them by a straight way

Verse 6 of the Psalm has God’s people crying out to Him in their trouble. Please do not think that our journey through this life is a bed of roses, as some preachers like us to think. One of the hardest aspects of being a church leader is how to pray for those who are suffering or passing through very difficult circumstances. Some ministers would have no hesitation in commanding the problems to go immediately, in asking the Lord to heal and in promising that prayers will be answered straight away and the situation will instantly change for the better. Experience teaches that this is not always the case, my own experience teaches me that I have learned a great deal about the Lord, and about myself, when passing through the “valley of the shadow of darkness / death.” 

However, these verses do promise that the Lord will ultimately deliver His people from their distress when they cry out to Him, He will lead them by a straight way, and He will guide them to a city where they can settle. He does not mean for us to be “wandering in desert wastelands” forever.

The phrase “a straight way” is not particularly easy to unravel, many translators substitute the words “a safe Journey” or “the right way.”  Whichever translation you prefer the meaning is clear, this life is a journey, at times it will involve hardship and desert wanderings. However, when we allow the Lord to join us on our journey, He will move us on safely with a destination in view that offers provisions and a well-deserved sanctuary. He does it for us all, the heavenly city awaits, the trials of this life will come to an end, and we will settle in His presence forever. Hallelujah! 


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