Psalm 107:21-22

Psalm 107:21-22

Let them sacrifice Thank Offerings

We have already commented on the profound statement found here in verse 21, for it is a repeat of verse 8 and verse 15. What follows is an explanation of how God’s people expressed their gratitude and thankfulness to Him. They “sacrificed thank offerings” and they “told of His works with songs of joy.” 

“Thank Offerings” or “Peace Offerings” or “Fellowship Offerings” were a natural way for Israelites to celebrate and give thanks to God for His blessings especially on wondrous occasions of salvation from distress, death or sickness. A “fatted calf” would be taken to the altar of the Temple or Tabernacle. The animal would be killed, and the fatty part burned on the altar as an offering to the Lord. The priests took a share of the carcass for themselves, and the remainder was given to the one who offered it, to be taken home and eaten that day at a feast to which family members and/or friends were invited. 

Whilst we do not have to pursue an elaborate ritual today to express our thankfulness to the Lord, we can offer something of value to Him as a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Maybe, when God intervenes in a miraculous way in our lives, it is time to give back something that shows just how grateful we are for His provision. Let us make a sacrifice to Him, let’s give Him something that is the equivalent of a Thank Offering.

I love the fact that music and song are a further expression of thankfulness before God. Singing songs that proclaim His faithfulness, His provision, His salvation, His guidance and love for us are so important to the church. There has to be a place for songs of joy in our corporate and private celebrations; laments and woeful chants have their place but if we recognise the goodness of God, then let’s sing the songs that give Him the most glory. Hallelujah!


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