Psalm 107:20

Psalm 107:20

He sent out His Word

The words of this verse are intriguing, what do they mean? The first thing to note is that God’s power and influence over the natural world and the cosmos did not end on the 6th day of creation. We know for instance, from Psalm 104 and from the accounts of the Flood, that in Noah’s time this planet was returned to its primeval watery origins and then recreated, in a matter of days, to be presented as the planet we now know. It was by the power of God’s Word that all things were made, for the Scripture tells us “and God said ….. and it was so.”John chapter 1 reminds us that the Word was the source of all life and everything owes its existence to that Word. It was the same Word that became flesh and showed us the full glory of the Father in human form. So, when this amazing God of ours chooses to send out His Word, things happen! 

In the verse before us it is the healing of the sick that is in view, those who were afflicted and close to death because of their own rebellion (v17). They cried out to the Lord and He not only heard but He also spoke the Word into their situation, and they were healed! If you think about it, when Yeshua was with us, that is all that He had to do – speak the word. He spoke and demons fled. He spoke and the sick were raised from their beds. He spoke and the blind could see and the deaf could hear. He spoke and the dead were raised. He spoke and the storm was stilled. It is the mighty Word of God that changes everything, for His Word is unparalleled in its power and there is nothing on earth that can stand against it. Everything Yeshua said was in fulfilment of the Scriptures and as soon as He spoke with authority, situations and people were restored. In the verse before us the Word speaks, and the sick are not only healed but they are rescued from the grave! 

If we want to see God powerfully and miraculously at work, we don’t have to DO anything except, “send out His Word!” Have we given enough thought and credit to the Lord for the Word? The potential of this verse is unimaginable, yes we should cry out when in trouble but we should also seek the Word of the Lord in any situation and speak it out! Then we can step back and watch Him at work for His miraculous powers have no need of human intervention. Hallelujah!


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