Psalm 107:2-3

Psalm 107:2-3

Let the redeemed ..... tell their story

The “redeemed of the Lord” are those who have literally been delivered or saved by Him. Remember that this familiar world, ruled over by men, with all of its conflicts and crises, is also a spiritual domain. There are powers of evil and good wrestling against one another for the domination and ultimate control of our planet; this has been ongoing since the Garden of Eden. Few are delivered from the darkness of enemy control; few are saved from his clutches, and few are delivered from the power and effects of sin. Those that are, are encouraged here to tell their story. This is not an easy task; it is almost impossible to convince a blind man of the beauty and complexity of the world in which we live. How can our stories make sense to those who are blind? This is especially difficult when the blind far outweigh those who have sight and when the blind also choose not to believe our stories. For sight only comes by faith.

Despite the difficulties, we who believe, who can see, must proclaim the salvation of the Lord and let the blind hear what they are missing. 

The redeemed here are obviously Israel. The northern kingdom of this nation had been crushed and taken captive by the Assyrians from the north. Judea had been overtaken by the Babylonians. The word “south” here literally means the sea, and west may be a translation of “south”, which would describe the geographical location of Egypt. Whichever way you look at it, the Lord had redeemed His people from every corner of the then-known world and their story was one that needed to be told. It’s still being told today, it’s all there in the Scriptures. And it’s still unfolding at this moment in our history as God’s dispersed and captive people have been liberated and delivered back to their land. 

We who believe must tell our stories too, how by God’s grace, we have been redeemed from the world and been given honour as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Hallelujah!


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