Psalm 107:19

Psalm 107:19

He saved them from their distress

This statement of fact is repeated throughout the Psalm, we have already read these words in v6 and v13 and they will crop up again in v28. I was reminded of their potency when I awoke in the night recently and had the most awful heartburn and indigestion; being away from home meant there were no potions or pills readily available to ease the discomfort. I know it sounds a bit trite, but I was reminded of these words so I “cried out to the Lord in my trouble!” He must have heard my cry because I snuggled down into my bed, went back to sleep and awoke refreshed and trouble-free in the morning. Hallelujah, it’s good to know that our God still hears and answers, even though the problems may seem trivial compared to the plight of the Israelites. 

We need to get a handle on the promises inherent in these verses, the Lord God does care for us. This whole Psalm is about the different kinds of trouble experienced by God’s people, we’ve already read about the threat of foreign invasions and the dietary consequences of rebellion. The Psalm will go on to talk about the plight of sailors who are at the mercy of the seas; these are very different scenarios but with the same God who is able to deliver His people when they cry out to Him. So, if we are weighed down by oppressive powers, or suffering from our own foolishness, or being tested by elemental forces, let’s remember to cry out to the Lord in our trouble. He will save us from our distress. Hallelujah! 


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