Psalm 107:16

Psalm 107:16

Gates of bronze

This verse talks about “gates of bronze” and “bars of iron.” Obviously, the reference is to city gates and the bars that secure them. Every city in Bible times was a fortress, the city gates were the only way in and out. It was at these gates that sentries stood and each visitor was monitored, and here at the gates business was transacted. The gates were closed at night and guards were posted if there was any hint of trouble. The verse here talks about the very strongest of gates for most cities or settlements could only afford wood, and bronze gates were top of the range! There was a popular proverb at that time, “Can a man break iron ….. or bronze?” So, the inference here is that the Lord God goes before His people and no matter how heavily armed or securely guarded the enemy settlements might be, our God can break down the gates. Whatever fortress the enemy may have established within us or against us, our Father can break through, He can smash aside the strongholds! 

The enemy is an expert at building his fortresses, he will do anything to keep the Lord out. He builds psychological barriers around individuals, communities and whole nations. The walls and ramparts of his strongholds look impregnable but don’t be fooled, our God is stronger. Wherever and whenever you face an impossible obstacle, remember that the Lord “breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.”Hallelujah!



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