Psalm 107:15

Psalm 107:15

Let them give thanks to the Lord

Here is a heart cry rather than a polite request; “Oh that people would praise the Lord for His wonderful acts for all men and His unfailing love for us all!” Do we not feel this at times? We see, outworking all around us, the unfailing provision of the Lord, the profound depth of His love, His miraculous answers to our prayers and the faithful way in which He treats rebellious peoples. And how we long for people to just stop and say, “thank you Lord”, to recognise His intervention, to give Him just a little bit of the credit He deserves. But no, they blindly press on in their darkness and if they even stop to be grateful, they only acknowledge idols, false gods or their own ingenuity and hard work, Yahweh does not get a look in.

Please don’t let us be like them, let us constantly give thanks to the Lord, let’s be always aware of His unfailing love for us and His wonderful deeds for mankind. Surely this has been the over-riding theme of recent Psalms, God never fails us, He is always guarding and guiding and providing and yet mankind blindly stumbles on refusing to give Him any credit or acknowledgement. Everything around us resonates with His praise, the animal world and, as we have seen, the trees and plants praise Him. The skies sing His praise as do the creatures of the sea. It is only man, in his sin, who is unable to acknowledge the Creator and give Him the honour He is due. 



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