Psalm 107:12

Psalm 107:12

There was no one to help!

As we have seen, the history of Israel is littered with trials and suffering caused, initially, by their waywardness and rebellion against God, but also by the conquering ambitions of neighbouring countries who delighted in invading the land and carrying the people off as slaves and captives. The Assyrians did it, so did the Babylonians, the Persians relented somewhat but the Romans had few scruples and sought to condemn the Jews to obscurity forever! We can read human accounts of these conquests and point the finger at the perpetrators but, in truth, the Lord God was behind it all. If the people had trusted Him by faith, obeyed His laws and honoured Him as God, none of these disasters would have happened. Our Lord does not shirk His responsibilities here or hide His intentions, He allows us to know that He is behind the suffering and the national catastrophes that have overtaken the nation of Israel. He wants the whole world to know that there are incredible blessings for those who obey Him and dire consequences for those who rebel. This lesson is particularly for those who are His chosen ones! In other words, you and me! 

So, Israel was subjected to bitter labour, it broke their spirits; it was not just the heavy work burden that crushed them but the mental anguish of a daily routine of being oppressed and controlled by their enemies. So, their strength failed, they stumbled, they became a feeble race. “And there was no one to help.” We see similar scenarios being played out as ever today, as I write the nations scheme and plot against Israel and the Bible suggests that a day will dawn, in the near future, when they must stand alone. As we are so often reminded, history does repeat itself, and no one ever seems to learn from it! 



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