Psalm 106:48

Psalm 106:48

Amen! Praise the Lord!

What a journey we have been on in this Psalm! From verse 6 onwards we have studied the recalcitrant attitudes of the Israelites as opposed to the tender compassion of their God. Time and again they rebelled and brought punishments upon themselves. Time and again the Lord felt righteous anger towards them. Time and again they cried out in despair, and time and again the Lord responded in mercy and grace. This is a parable, played out in real time with real people at its heart; a parable that spans the centuries of human history when one tiny nation has been revealing to the whole world the depth of God’s love and His mercy towards those whom He has chosen. It’s a parable that is not just about people but about a land that He also loves; it tells us as much about the heart and character of God towards Israel, as the Gospels tell us about His heart and character towards all peoples. It’s a lesson we should never forget, especially when we feel unworthy, or we believe our actions to be unforgiveable, or we dare to point the finger at others and condemn them as being beyond the mercy and compassion of our God. The truth is, if He can forgive and restore Israel, if He can remain true to His covenants with them, He can do it for anyone!

That is why the Psalm must end on a note of praise, “Praise to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.” This is not just a fanciful, fitting end to another addition to the psalter, this song has proved that God’s covenant love is everlasting, despite all human attempts to break it. Our God is true to His word, He will never renege on His promises. So this day, I ask you to join with me and say, “Amen! Praise the Lord.”


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