Psalm 106:43

Psalm 106:43

They were bent on rebellion

This Psalm has highlighted some of the best known of God’s interventions in the lives of the Israelites. Each time He has shown Himself to be true and trustworthy as He has rescued the people from natural disasters and the threats of their enemies, but the biggest challenge that the Lord has faced is to save the Israelites from themselves! That challenge is described here in this verse, “Many times He delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin.” Rebellion and sin were their biggest adversaries, God could save them from famine, disease and snake bites; He could rescue them from their mortal enemies, but He could not save them from themselves. Rebellion is the opposite to compliance, if people comply with God’s will and His laws, they will dwell in safety, and He will provide for their every need. However, it is very difficult for the Lord to keep putting Himself out for human beings who do not want His intervention, who choose not to believe in Him and who defiantly disobey Him. This was always Israel’s greatest downfall.

Nothing has changed in the 21st century. Israel has been re-established as a nation, millions of Jews have made their exodus journeys to the Promised Land from the four corners of the earth, the desert has blossomed, and the people have been blessed with great wealth. The rains have returned and there have been some miraculous and spectacular victories over their enemies. Yet most do not believe in Yahweh. They choose to rebel; Tel Aviv is  the most morally liberal city in the world. Meanwhile the Hassidim continue to proudly uphold their traditions and the religious bigotry of their ancestors. 

Before we point the finger at the Middle East, we need to have a hard look at ourselves. The Lord has blessed His church beyond measure, and we have a glorious inheritance in Him, yet many so-called Christians continue to live in disobedience and rebellion. This verse is a warning that to behave in this way is the reason why so many will “waste away in their sin.”


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