Psalm 106:40

Psalm 106:40

The Lord abhorred His inheritance

The next few verses (v40-43) tell us about the Lord’s anger against His people who constantly rebelled and disobeyed Him. The remainder of the Psalm (v44-48) reminds us that He still remembers His covenant and that He will not forsake His chosen people forever. Was the Lord right to vent His anger against the many rebellions that Israel subjected Him to? Leviticus 26:14-46 sets out some of the finer details of the covenant relationship between the Lord and His people and as you will see, they could not complain that they had not been warned! There are many warnings about the punishments that will be visited on those who disobey Him. 

Perhaps it is a good moment to stop and think about our own relationships with Him. We know that He loves us. We know that we are chosen by Him, “For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” Ephesians 1:4 We have been adopted into God’s family and given the rights of sons. Every sin and misdeed has been forgiven and we are washed clean by the blood of Christ. God promises not to remember those failings ever again. We have received the Holy Spirit within us and been granted gifts, courage and strength to survive, as holy beings, in a hostile world. Our names are written in heaven and our future is guaranteed. Our bodies will be resurrected, and we will reign with Christ for eternity. Every place we go, every person we encounter, every situation we face, the Lord is there with us, protecting, guarding, guiding and providing – we are never alone. We are granted spiritual insight into the real workings of the world and the universe, what men toil for what has been given to us by faith. 

I could go on, but I have to ask myself, if God is so gracious and generous why on earth do I rebel against Him? Why am I like the Israelites who repeatedly disobeyed and chased after other sources of help and hope? Why do I belittle His name and why am I a coward about representing Him? Why do I ignore Him and His truth? Why oh why, am I so easily pulled down and ashamed that I listened to the alluring voices of the enemy? 

May we never descend to the depths of failure and sin that might cause the Lord to grow angry with us and abhor those who are His inheritance!


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