Psalm 106:3

Psalm 106:3

Act justly do what is right

Verse 2 of the Psalm asked two questions, “Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare His praise?” Perhaps verse 3 is partly attempting to answer those questions. Those who act justly and always do what is right, these are the ones who can declare the mighty acts and fully make known His praise. And if that’s the case, then count me out, I’m simply not good enough! 

To be blessed can mean a lot of things! Some Bible versions just translate this word as happy, but I think the use of “happy” in our language underplays what is meant here. The blessed are those who have experienced the protective love and care of the Lord, they recognise His presence with them, they “know” Him and consider themselves to be supported and upheld by Him. The word “blessed” also carries overtones of being consecrated, made holy, approved, even exalted. That we should be any of those things is remarkable and to maintain such status we must maintain justice and seek always to do what is right. 

Righteousness and justice are, as we have seen many times, characteristics of God Himself, it is rare to find men and women who have these attributes even in small measure. However, to seek them must be our quest. So, today, let’s be just and true in our judgements of others, let’s err on the side of tolerance and patience, let’s listen carefully before making decisions, let’s consider the motives of our family and friends and colleagues before jumping on them or being critical of them. Let us also seek to do what is right in every sphere of our lives. May the Holy Spirit guard and guide our thoughts, our words and our actions so that we may stand before the mirror of conscience, take a good look and say, “You did what was right today.”  


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