Psalm 106:2

Psalm 106:2

The mighty acts of the Lord

There are at least two sides to the question, “Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord?” Firstly, who could possible recall them all and adequately explain what the Lord has been doing? I don’t know about you but my personal experience of the “mighty acts of the Lord” would fill several books, and even if I were to write them, there would be events and situations that I failed to remember. Add to that all the “mighty acts of the Lord” in my lifetime that have taken place around me in the lives of others, in His dealings with the church, in the life of our nation and the world, there is no chance that I could recall them all. John wrote, in the last verse of his Gospel, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” So yes, it is impossible for us to remember all the occasions when the Lord has been influential and gracious to us, isn’t it amazing to think that His hand has been upon us at every twist and turn of the journey we have undertaken in our lives?

The second problem when considering the “mighty acts of the Lord” is that too often we are not even aware that He is operating in us and around us! How often have we undertaken a journey, and he has held us up or changed the timetable without our knowledge, so that we might avoid danger? How often have apparently insignificant moments passed us by when He was actually in control and guiding us on to the right path? How many people have appeared in our lives at the right time to give assistance or advice and it never entered our minds, or theirs, that the meeting was pre-planned? 

I suppose there is a third twist to the questions in this Psalm. Maybe the question really is, “Who is qualified and good enough to proclaim the Lord’s mighty acts and fully declare His praise? Who amongst us dare to believe that we are competent or authorised for such a privileged task?” Yes, it is difficult to proclaim His mighty acts and fully declare His praise, in fact it is impossible! Hallelujah! 


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