Psalm 105:7

Psalm 105:7

He is the Lord our God

The footnotes in my Bible point out here that Jacob is mentioned 34 times in the Psalms; the children of Jacob are unmistakably the people of Israel who trace their ancestry back to him and therefore to his sons, the progenitors of the 12 tribes. Abraham, the father of Israel, is only mentioned in this Psalm (v6 and v42) and in Psalm 47:9, and the only time that the name of Isaac surfaces in the Psalms is here in v9. I’m wondering if this is because although the Psalms were written by Jews and given to Israel, they have a so much wider context and those who follow Yeshua are children of Abraham too. (See Romans 4) In other words, the Jews wrote these songs, they preserved them and used them in the various celebrations and temple ceremonies. They learned them from a young age and repeated the words continually, so yes, their attachment to Jacob and their tribal ancestors was paramount in their thinking and their writing. It is the Holy Spirit who has revealed that we who believe are God’s chosen ones also, that our ancestry goes back to Abraham by faith and that these beautiful songs are written for us too!

Verse 7 here points out that God’s judgements are not just restricted to Israel, His dealings are with the whole earth and His judgements are in all the earth. We often think of the judgements of God as being future events, and Bible books like Revelation paint a grim picture of the tribulations that are to come upon the world. However, God is always judging, just as He is always loving and showing grace and compassion. His judgements are built into the way the world is made and He has determined that whatever we do with our lives will bring about consequences, some good but some bad. In other words, we bring His judgements upon ourselves, even now. The world is being judged, even now. 


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