Psalm 105:5-6

Psalm 105:5-6

Remember the wonders He has done

As I write this, it’s Christmas Day 2023. The house is full of family members, and more are coming to join us later in the day. I will be speaking to my daughter and son-in-law in Tokyo, as well as indulging in the festive banquet produced by my wife. Just 3 months ago I was in an isolation ward in a hospital in Portsmouth, recovering from a heart attack! It does indeed do us good to remember “the wonders He has done.”

In the gloom of early morning today, before light dawned, a Robin was singing its heart out in the garden, reminding me a of a Christmas long past when I lived alone with just such a Robin for company. Again, I marvelled at “the wonders He has done.” This heavenly Father of mine has filled my life with so many good things. What about you? Isn’t it good to stop and reflect from time to time and to remember the wonders, to recall His miracles and believe me, in my case there have been many! Stop today and think about this and give Him thanks for His goodness.

The verse also carries a sombre note, this God of ours is not just the instigator of cosy nativity scenes; when Jesus Christ was born, it was for a purpose. He came to redeem all who believe but also to qualify Himself to become the judge of all who ignore, disobey and reject their Creator. Our God pronounces and it is done. His voice shouts to our broken world right now, “Listen to me. Turn to me. Obey me. I am the One who made you and who gives you life, if you continue to ignore me, you must suffer the consequences.” In the verses before us His judgements were aimed at Israel, the descendants of Abraham, His chosen ones, the children of Jacob, and there is a nation that has certainly felt the consequences of unbelief. So, let’s not think that this God doesn’t fulfil the judgements He pronounces!


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