Psalm 105:45

Psalm 105:45

We are His lights to the world

This is the last verse of what has been an intriguing and eye-opening journey through the history of Israel. In particular, the miraculous deliverance of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt and the beginnings of the exodus to the Promised Land. We have seen that all these events are in fulfilment of the Covenant promises made to the patriarchs, and there is abundant proof that the Lord is a God who keeps His word! He is also a God of abundance and provision who watches over His people and ensures that they have everything they need, and more. Why does He do this? What is His plan? Does He have a deeper reason for choosing the Jewish people and pouring blessing after blessing upon them?

Yes He does, it is so that they might keep His precepts and observe His laws. In other words, God is saying to this nation, “I will bless you and provide for you in ways that you cannot begin to imagine, all I ask is that you keep the terms of my contract with you. I wish only that you might be my people. I have redeemed you under the terms of the Covenant I made with your ancestors. I want you to be my special representatives on earth, I want the world to see that there are those who are willing to live by my laws and who will seek to fulfil my will. I want them to see Me in you!”

A similar arrangement applies to the Church of Christ. God has chosen us and pours His blessings upon us with impunity, there is nothing that He will withhold from His storehouses for those who will love and serve Him. Why does He do this? Is it just a random selection, a form of favouritism that has no deeper purpose? No, our redemption is a sign to the whole earth, a world of people who God loves, and from that human population He chooses those who He especially blesses so that all the world may know who He is and what He can do. We are His example. We are His lights. We are His signs to the world. We, the redeemed, are placed in our families and communities to be His representatives so that others may know Him. That is why keeping His precepts and observing His laws is still so important. Our behaviour and the Spirit of God within us are to be a beacon to everyone. Praise the Lord!



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