Psalm 105:27
Psalm 105:27
Wonders in the land of Ham
We spent time, in verse 23, looking at the meaning and significance of Ham. Since then, we have followed the fortunes of the Hebrews who were destined to live in Ham for many years while the Lord God awaited the fulfilment of His plan; the plan revealed to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses and Aaron are now ready to take their place in the story of the redemption of the Hebrews and to Ham they must go to seek an audience with the Pharaoh and to try and negotiate the release of the slaves. At that time, Moses was eighty years old and Aaron was eighty-three! Exodus 7:7.
We are all familiar with the story of the 10 plagues, but it all started when Aaron’s staff became a snake in front of Pharaoh. His magicians were able to copy this sign although they suffered the indignity of having their staffs swallowed up Aaron’s staff! As we know, Pharaoh’s heart was very hard, he resisted the Lord God and the pleas to free the Hebrew slaves on numerous occasions and consequently brought a great deal of suffering and anguish upon the Egyptian people. On the other hand, Moses and Aaron witnessed God’s power at work just as He had promised. “So I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I will perform among them. After that, he will let you go.” Exodus 3:20.
The 10 plagues were all direct confrontations with Egyptian gods and this can be researched online very easily. Let’s just list these “signs and wonders in the land of Ham” and take note that the Lord our God is still greater in power than any of the idols of the pagan nations.
1. The Nile turned to blood Apis, the god of the Nile
2. Frogs Heqet, the frog-headed goddess of birth
3. Gnats Set, the god of the desert and storms
4. Flies Uatchit, the fly god
5. Death of livestock Hathor and Apis, gods depicted as cattle
6. Boils Sekhmet and Sunu, gods of health
7. Hail Nut the sky goddess, Osiris the crop fertility god
8. Locusts The gods Nut, Osiris and Set
9. Darkness The sun god, Re, symbolised by Pharaoh
10. Death of firstborn Isis, the protector of children
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