Psalm 105:26

Psalm 105:26

God chose Moses and Aaron

Imagine being one of those Hebrew slaves! After several hundred years of relative comfort and peace, watching children grow up, living prosperously off the land and growing in confidence and stature, one day everything changed. It’s not clear if the Hebrews saw trouble coming or ever spent time pondering their future; did they pass on to their children and regularly remind them of the promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? They were certainly aware of their tribal status and there were leaders amongst them and a level of culture and education. On the other hand, it may be that these people had adapted to their way of life, were very comfortable with their partnership with the Egyptians and they had no reason to ponder the future too much. One day everything changed, and a Pharaoh came to power who felt threatened by their numbers and their influence. In a short space of time the Hebrews were transformed from being free men and women to slaves and their lives became miserable. Cruel steps were even taken to halt the birth of their baby boys and thus the expansion of the potential fighting capabilities of the people.

We all know the story of Moses’ secret birth and adoption into the royal family. You have to admit that God has a sense of humour, Pharaoh’s biggest threat was actually growing up right under his nose! After 40 years Moses fled to the wilderness and became a humble shepherd until he was 80 and God spoke to him from a burning bush at Sinai. There Moses was appointed to lead the slaves out of Egypt and his brother Aaron was appointed to be the mouthpiece who would speak to Pharaoh and the Egyptians. It is a remarkable story and highlights, yet again, the way that the Lord God attends to detail and always selects the right people for the job! His choice is what counts, not education or intelligence or leadership qualities, important as these may be. No, God’s men and women are the ones He has chosen and anointed for the task. Are we chosen to be getting on with a work for the Lord?


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