Psalm 105:23

Psalm 105:23

The land of Ham

Noah had three sons, as you will know. After the flood, Noah’s son, Ham, carried on the line of the serpent! Noah, a farmer, planted a vineyard and proceeded to drink some of its wine. He became intoxicated and lay, naked, in his tent. “Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s naked body. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father naked. When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, he said, “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.”” Genesis 9:22-25. There is some ambiguity about this story in that there may be inferences that Ham did more than just look at his father’s nakedness. Best not to speculate! Noah went on to bless his other sons – Shem and Japheth. Ham’s son Canaan proceeded to settle in the land that would eventually become the Promised Land, chosen by God for His people – the Israelites. However, before Israel could settle, they would of course, be required to drive out and destroy Ham’s descendants – the Canaanites. Ham (which means sunburnt) was also the father of Cush, Egypt and Put. These are the modern-day equivalents of Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Ethiopia. It is thought, in general terms, that Ham was the father of Arabians and Africans. Ishamel’s mother, Abraham’s mistress, was an Egyptian from Ham and Ishmael’s descendants are all Arabs. Muslims see Ishmael as their patriarch and claim that he is buried with his mother Hagar, in Mecca. 

It was to the land of Ham that Jacob and his sons made their way and where they were protected and they prospered for many years after the passing of Joseph. In fact, they lived at peace for 430 years but notice that the Bible still calls them “foreigners”. We are all foreigners until we inhabit the land that God has prepared for us! 1 Peter 2:11. One of the most beautiful stories in the book of Acts is when Philip shared the Gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch, a descendant of Ham. It was God’s way of showing us that no one is now excluded from Him, the old barriers are removed by the cross! Hallelujah!


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