Psalm 105:1-2

Psalm 105:1-2

Let us proclaim His Name

This lengthy Psalm is a re-telling of all the saving acts of the Lord God for His chosen people - Israel. The beginnings of these works are rooted in the covenant promises made to Abraham, and the writer follows through right up to the time when the people entered the Land of Promise and the covenant was fulfilled. The heart of the promises made to Abraham was the unconditional granting to them of the land of Canaan, for all time. The whole point of the Psalm is to encourage the people to think about all that happened, to see the hand of God upon them and to worship Him and trust in Him alone. This song was probably sung annually at one of the prominent annual festivals such as the Feast of Tabernacles or Pentecost. 


V1-2    Although this Psalm was written for Israel and recounts their early history, we have no reason to overlook it. If anything, the works that God has wrought for His holy people, the church, are even greater and therefore provide a greater reason to praise and worship Him. The words written here are a word-for-word repetition of David’s song written for the day when the Ark of the Covenant was brought and placed in the Tabernacle in Jerusalem for the first time. 1 Chronicles 16:8-36. This is the occasion when David danced before the Lord and was treated with contempt by his wife, Michal!

We have every reason to sing the praises of our God, for He has indeed performed wonderful acts. But this praise is not always meant to be personal and private, it is to be declared among the nations so that the whole world will know of Him and His name. His acts of salvation need to be made known, we Christians are not allowed to remain quiet about our faith or our God. We are not all Gospel preachers, nor are we all evangelists but we are all “praisers” and worshippers who have experienced the touch of a miracle-working God upon our lives. He has brought us out of Egypt, He has established us in His Kingdom, He has anointed us with the oil of joy of His Spirit and made us His children, He has forgiven all sins and exalted us to the highest place. How can we remain quiet? 


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