Psalm 104:8-9

Psalm 104:8-9

The waters will never again cover the earth

Do you remember the words that the Lord God spoke to Noah, after the flood? “I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.” Genesis 9:15. The rainbow was given as a sign of this for the rainbow tells us, emphatically and beautifully, that there are waters in the clouds and in the sky; without rain from the heavens there would be no rainbow! It is visible, scientific proof that the Lord God is keeping His word. We need to remember this when we see the next rainbow, it is far more than a pretty arch in the sky, it is irrefutable evidence that the atmosphere above us contains water. 

Verse 8 here paints a beautiful picture of the waters on the planet receding at God’s command and as they did so, mountains and valleys appeared. Rivers and streams started to flow down to the seas and the world not only became accessible, but it was irrigated too! Every stream and every river are evidence of the creative power of God. Notice that the waters flow to the place “He assigned for them” so, not even the stream or river that flows through your village or town or city is there by accident! Psalm 33:7 tells us, “He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; He puts the deep into storehouses.” Wow! Everything is precisely controlled and is created to work to God’s plan, all creation is in His hands.  This process not only unfolded at creation but also after the Flood, so that the earth might have a rebirth following the ravages of man’s rebellion and His sin. Our world is rapidly heading towards another, similar crisis but this time there will be no flood, even though God may once again regret that He has made mankind. The Lord has a different agenda, for now He has faithful followers and there are many who believe in Him, too many for one ark! He will rescue them first and then His judgements will be unleashed until His Son comes to reign. 


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